Saneem Nurseries For Early Education

Saneem Nurseries for Early Education

Welcome to

Saneem Nurseries For Early Education

Every child at our Nursery receives a wonderful start in life. Our rooms are warm, safe and homely, in which you will find happy, secure children, playing, exploring, experimenting, socializing, discovering, learning and, above all, smiling.
We pay attention to each individual child by our well-trained staff. We help our children set their goals, and get ready to start their journey in life to achieve them. Saneem Nurseries in Kuwait is where little hands grow big enough to change the whole world.

Being the leaders of early education that combines originality, creativity and proficiency.


Providing an educational institute built on Islamic values and keeping pace with educational and cognitive development, at the heart of SANEEM bilingual nurseries in Kuwait.


Learners Today,

Leaders Tomorrow.


We Create a Nurturing Environment for Each Child

Thought open-ended play based experiences children flourish, and grow to love their school, taking pride in belonging to a community